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Western Railroad Discussion > LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best

Date: 07/01/02 17:33
LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best
Author: ahockley

I'm planning a trip to LA (Starlight down, then 1 or two full days there, then Starlight back) for this August and was wondering, what would fellow TO members rate as the "must see" railfanning spots... I'm planning to hang out at Fullerton for a while, and lrvto has offered to give me a "tour" of the San Diego Trolley system if I'm interested...

I'm planning on staying near LAUPT and don't plan on renting a car (although I suppose I could)...



Date: 07/01/02 18:04
Re: LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best
Author: albowen

If you're not going to rent wheels, you will be a bit limited on visiting some of the more noted locations...West Colton, Cajon, Tehachapi etc etc... However one activity that is open to you other than the Fullerton and L A station areas would be to ride the Metrolink "circuit" L A to San Berdoo, to Orange County, to Lancaster and the light rail around the various lines inside the city.

Date: 07/01/02 19:17
Re: LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best
Author: Big John

If that 1 or 2 days includes the San Diego and Fullerton time, then I'ld break that up with one day to San Diego. Catch the Trolley and Model RR museum, the second day the Metrolink Loop and Fullerton with catching the last Surfliner in from Fullerton. You'll have to catch a brief from a Metro fan because with the new "91" line I'm not sure when you could get to Fullerton from the east side, you can catch a lot from LA on either Metro or Amtrak.

Now if you were to rent a car than a longish hot day could include Tehachapi, Barstow and Cajon.

Date: 07/01/02 20:00
Re: LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best
Author: tracktime

As for me, (or if you are interested in heavy BIG mainline freight action), I would take the Metrolink from LAUPT to San Bernardino station, and witness the torrent of BNSF and UP trains that are heading to and from Cajon Pass. The overpass at San Bernardino also provides a nice view of the intermodal loading and unloading operations there as well. Plenty of switching activity, as well as a Metrolink storage yard to boot.

Best Regards,

Date: 07/02/02 09:52
Re: LA Area Railfanning: Best of the best
Author: tburzio

tracktime wrote:

> The overpass at San Bernardino

WARNING: Be out the the area before dark, and
do not let people get close to you while you
are alone. The area is not the worst part
of Los Angeles, but bad enough.

Tony Burzio
San Diego, CA

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