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Western Railroad Discussion > "SUGX" empty unit coal train splits the signals as it departs....

Date: 03/26/23 20:37
"SUGX" empty unit coal train splits the signals as it departs....
Author: jmulhol2

A solo GE ES44AC, BNSF #5772, shoves on the rear of this 2x1, 128-car eastbound "SUGX" empty unit coal train from Grand Forks, ND (American Crystal Sugar) --to-- Spring Creek Mine, MT as it is seen here departing the BNSF Grand Forks, ND, train yard, taking the east leg of the "wye", splitting the signals, and entering the BNSF Hillsboro Subdivision during the sunny late morning hours of 03/26/2023. This particular motor originally led long-hood-forward as it departed the BNSF Glasston Subdivision and entered the yard. This train was later instructed to tie down at the Bison siding just north of Fargo, ND, along the BNSF Hillsboro Subdivision. 

Train symbol: E-GFASCM

BNSF #7373 (GE ES44DC; built: 01/2010)
BNSF #8570 (EMD SD70ACe; built: ??/????)
BNSF #5772 (GE ES44AC; built: 08/2005)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/26/23 20:38 by jmulhol2.

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Date: 03/27/23 16:23
Re: "SUGX" empty unit coal train splits the signals as it departs
Author: bmarti7

Nice day up there Jake. The Amtrak platform makes a good location as you don't have to tromp through snow...speaking of which.....more snow in your forecast tomorrow, Thursday, next week. I'm dreaming of a white Easter, just like the ones I used to have in Bismarck. Stay warm!


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