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Western Railroad Discussion > No Longer Thirties for Thursday

Date: 10/31/24 16:18
No Longer Thirties for Thursday
Author: swaool

Sitting on the Rabanco Wye off the Anacortes Spur at Avon (WA) are BNSF GP39-3s 2516 and 2586.  They were originally AT&SF GP30s 1229 and 1260 respectively.  They still have the characteristic GP30 dynamic brake "hump" but have received "spartan cabs" as part of the rebuilding process, supposedly because the new electric cabinets were incompatible with the old GP30 cab shape as discussed in this thread (https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?1,5332257).  10/31/2024 - Happy Halloween - if there is candy around, don't let your doggies or kitties eat any chocolate.

mike woodruff
anacortes wa

Date: 10/31/24 17:38
Re: No Longer Thirties for Thursday
Author: E25

They still look very attractive and distinctive in that paint scheme, even as modified.   Thanks for taking the time to catch the scene and post the image for us.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 11/04/24 14:58
Re: No Longer Thirties for Thursday
Author: SD45X

I think that paint scheme helped their butchered look.

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