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Western Railroad Discussion > Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset

Date: 11/10/24 18:14
Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: east_bay_alex

The daily Oakland to North Platte intermodal usually shows up in the Pleasanton area around 3:30pm. After hearing the dispatcher over the scanner, I headed out to Radum between Pleasanton and Sunol to catch the train just as the light was fading. The train had some trouble earlier down on the Coast Sub between Oakland and Fremont and was about an hour later than usual on this Saturday. Thanks for looking! 

Taken on 11.9.24

Alex Wilson
Castro Valley, CA
ApproachAspect's Flickr Photos

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Date: 11/10/24 19:55
Re: Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: mojaveflyer

Nice low light video Alex! I was thinking I'd see a bunch of auto racks on it.

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

Date: 11/10/24 21:53
Re: Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: coach

It's hard to believe now, but those quarries out there used to produce lots of rail traffic to various local cement companies seeking aggregate--SP collected cars there and ran them to several locations.  

Date: 11/10/24 22:16
Re: Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: FiveChime

Yes, one train I remember as a young person was the East Pleasanton Turn - The Rock Train.
Out of Bayshore around noon with empties, across the Dumbarton Bridge, thrugh Niles Canyon.
Late afternoon return westbound usually up the commute line in the late evening with cars brim
full of ballest and power in run 8 with rock and dust flying all over along the ROW..
Power in the mid 1960s with great variety, geeps, F's, SD7s, KM's & big Alcos.
Pictured is EB through Niles Canyon in 1968. Joe Ward Photo
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 11/11/24 10:22
Re: Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: pbouzide

I counted 112 domestic containers on this train before the edit to switch to going away for the empty well cars following. There were a few more I didn't count (but 112 was most of them).

I mention this because I still run into claims that the ramp at West Oakland doesn't originate or terminate domestic boxes.

Date: 11/11/24 19:29
Re: Oakland Sub Action - IOANP at Sunset
Author: doge_of_pocopson

Really nice stuff, low light, golden hills...nice.  B

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