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Western Railroad Discussion > climbing the billiard table

Date: 11/12/24 06:13
climbing the billiard table
Author: santafe199

A while back some TO dude stated flat out (heavy on the word FLAT), that Kansas is nothing but a billiard table stem to stern! I so very grateful when I’m able to prove him right... ;^)

1. 2. & 3. Say hello to UP 2634 on a westbound manifest approaching the S 1700 Rd crossing, west of Dwight, KS.

Date: 11/12/24 06:14
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: santafe199

4. 5. & 6. Coming into focus at the apex of the billiard table.

Date: 11/12/24 06:14
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: santafe199

One more, before it bursts completely out of the side pocket (frame)...

7. UP 2634 in sharp relief on October 24, 2024.

Thanks for chalk, your shot!
Lance Garrels

Date: 11/12/24 07:42
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: ntharalson

Thanks for posting.  Iowa's the same way.  LOL

Nixk Tharalson,
Marion, IA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/24 18:31 by ntharalson.

Date: 11/12/24 08:13
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: Mike6640-2

santafe199 Wrote:
> A while back some TO dude stated flat out (heavy
> on the word FLAT), that Kansas is nothing but a
> billiard table stem to stern! I so very grateful
> when I’m able to prove him right... ;^)
> 1. 2. & 3. Say hello to UP 2634 on a westbound
> manifest approaching the S 1700 Rd crossing, west
> of Dwight, KS.
>I would not play on That billiard table!!

Date: 11/12/24 11:38
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: pbouzide

It's silly to call any entire state "billiard table flat" because most states contain a mix of topographies. The California Central Valley for example has some pretty big totally flat space that reminded me of downstate Illinois when we moved out here.

There are a few states with no flat plains to speak of - West Virginia comes to mind - but I don't think there is a single state without some hill-and-dale topo at the very least. In Kansas, the Flint Hills and a good deal of the eastern 1/5 of the state has some beautiful topo.

Date: 11/12/24 11:48
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: jgilmore

Nice 8-ball in the corner pocket...


Date: 11/12/24 14:47
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: MrMRL

Not exactly "flat"... more or less consistently "sloped"?

~ Mr. MRL

Date: 11/13/24 13:10
Re: climbing the billiard table
Author: Englewood

Flat like a billiard table that has 2x4s under both legs on one end

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