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Western Railroad Discussion > Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition

Date: 11/13/24 13:54
Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: milepost20

Union Pacific's LRQ50 Mission Bay brought the UP1004 up to South San Francisco from
Warm Springs on Tuesday evening and it immediately showed up on today's SSF-based LSF51
local paired with the UP1527.  The GP60 was built as the SSW9684 in March 1990.  Anyone
have a count on just how many patched SP/SSW units remain active on UP?

The 51 job is seen with a 25 car train approaching the South San Francisco station southbound
under the wires at 11:20 this morning running on the blocks of Caltrain #126.  They're good 
for a 50 mph run down to Redwood Jct.

Date: 11/13/24 13:55
Re: Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: milepost20

With four Caltrain moves through SSF each hour(2 north, 2 south) even during off peaks there
are plenty of opportunities to catch the EMU's alongside the UP power.

Date: 11/13/24 13:57
Re: Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: milepost20

About 90 minutes prior to departute the 1004 and 1527 put their train together in South City.

Date: 11/13/24 15:53
Re: Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: PHall

The way those numbers look the patch job needs a patch job.

Date: 11/13/24 16:42
Re: Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: pdt

UP 1068 (SSW Patch) was on the margarita local out of Watsonville Jct, CA on sat.

Nice to see someone took off that awful UP patch on the nose.  


Date: 11/13/24 20:29
Re: Under the Wires Wednesday: Cotton Belt Edition
Author: weather

Superb coverage a nd great images!

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