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Western Railroad Discussion > CN tank train at Fond du Loc WI

Date: 11/28/24 16:57
CN tank train at Fond du Loc WI
Author: DM1980

Theres a fairly new railcam on youtube at Fond du Loc. I just watched a CN tank train on it and wonder what commodity this train was hauling. Dont think it was crude oil or ethanol as it did not have cover car and tanks did not have placards on them. Train had 1 unit up front and a rear end DPU. Counted 100 cars. Any idea what train it was?

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Date: 11/28/24 18:07
Re: CN tank train at Fond du Loc WI
Author: SOO6617

Tank trains hauling DRUbit crude don't require cover carsĀ 
as the product is 95% asphaltic bitumen.

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