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Western Railroad Discussion > Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....

Date: 02/06/04 16:10
Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: mayor79

Ive got a couple of question for you guys about the Chicago area, specifically Tinley Park.

I've noticed the Rock Island Metra line that runs through Tinley Park on its way to Joliet typically has some Iowia Interstate trains running on it. Do those trains run on a schedule? If so what is it (besides whenever I dont have my camera handy) I seem to notice that on Saturdays one goes by between 11 and noon and again between 4 and 5. Is that about it for weekend operations? I know a good portion of the day the line is clogged with Metra traffic.

Also what frequencies are used by both Metra and the IAIS on that line? I was listening to 160.6950 last weekend but couldnt identify the train/crew that I was picking up. (A Metra did come by a little later so it may have been them, though the crew sounded as if it was working a cut of cars somewhere)

Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks!


Date: 02/06/04 17:32
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: MILW261s3

AAR 8282 - 160.340

Eastbound (CBBI) Councli Bluffs to Blue Island.
Westbound (BICB) Blue Island to Council Bluffs.

-Both trains operate daily. The CBBI (if it is on time, usually is) follows the 10:24am suburban out of Joliet, so look behind that train. They refer to train as the "Iowa" and you should hear the dispatcher give the Iowa a block to advance their train. The BICB can depart Blue Island anywhere from 15:00-20:00. It usually departs in the 5pm hour, and on weekdays behind the afternoon rush. If it is ready to go a 15:00, they'll kick him out then. Also, you can see the local job working their big industry, which is a few Blocks south of Blue Island Interlocking. Or you can just wait for them to show up at the Interlocking. You will see it in daylight. While your waiting for him there, their will be a high volume of traffic to keep you on your feet.


Date: 02/06/04 18:41
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: ghemr

There is a lumber yard as well as a cement plant in that vicinity (Tinley, Mokena, New Lennox), but I'm not sure if the IAIS or Chicago Rail Link switches them. CSX also goes through Tinley Park about 0145 (westbound) and 0600 (eastbound).

Date: 02/06/04 19:07
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: MILW261s3

The Iowa switches the cement plant out.


PS. Heads up tomorrow. CBBI curently has #325 (the green high-hood) in consist. Also, it is supposed to pick up a NREX #22 at Silves, so tomorrows train could be interesting. I'll be at Joliet at 9:15 (getting off Amtrak).

Date: 02/06/04 19:36
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: mayor79

So I assume, since your showing up in Joliet tomorrow morning, that the schedule you mentioned also includes the weekends. I'll have to check to see if the 10:24 Metra still runs, if so I'll be watching for it.

I believe the lumber yard and cement plant your referring to are in Orland Park on the NS line (also a Metra line, heratige corridor if I'm not mistaken). The lumber yard is served by rail but the cement plant never was and never will be. (it was torn down this fall for a new Metra station).

Thanks for the help guys! 160.340 is the IAIS freq, what about Metra? (So I can track it for delays)

Thanks again!


Date: 02/06/04 21:30
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: trainboy03

>Thanks for the help guys! 160.340 is the IAIS freq, >what about Metra? (So I can track it for delays)

>Thanks again!



160.340 is the Metra channel. IAIS uses 160.220 (road) and 161.305 (yard). They always use the Metra channel when on Metra rails. You can probably hear them switching on 161.305.

Also, IAIS 325 and NREX 22 will NOT be going into Chicago on Saturday 2-7. The 325 just left Council Bluffs tonight, putting it in Chicago on Sunday, but since 325 has just been released from the shops, don't look for it east of Iowa City. NREX 22 will be picked up from NRE in Silvis whenever the switcher crew has time to go pick it up...

Erik Rasmussen
Coal Valley, IL

Date: 02/06/04 23:05
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: MILW261s3

> I believe the lumber yard and cement plant your referring to are in Orland Park on the NS line (also a Metra line, heratige corridor if I'm not mistaken). The lumber yard is served by rail but the cement plant never was and never will be. (it was torn down this fall for a new Metra station).

We are talking about the cement plant on the Rock Island District that the Iowa switches out at Tinley Park (i think). The Heritage Corridor line is from Chicago to Joliet, but it runs on the CN / IC line throught Summit, Willow Springs, Lemont, and Lockport. The Orland Line is owned by Metra (NS south of Orland Park), and is called the "Southwest Service".

Date: 02/07/04 02:10
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: dt8089

The cement plant is Ozinga ready mix. The IAIS delivers sand that originates from Chillicothe IL. The plant is just east of LaGrange Road (Rte 45) and south of I-80 right around the border between Mokena and Tinley Park. Dan

Date: 02/07/04 07:09
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: mayor79

Gottcha, I forgot about Ozinga. I'll have to see if I can get down there to watch them switch without making it too obvious. Its been quite a while since I've purposely driven around Ozinga.


Date: 02/07/04 07:32
Correction on your frequencies
Author: gtw1516

Metra Rock Island 161.340, IAIS 160.305, and 161.220. You had the 160-161 messed up.
Ken Lanovich

Date: 02/07/04 18:16
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: ghemr

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is a lumber yard served by rail that is on 191st St. and the Rock Island tracks...

Date: 02/07/04 23:41
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: dt8089

CSX_ENG Wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there is a
> lumber yard served by rail that is on 191st St.
> and the Rock Island tracks...

You are correct. Chicago Rail Link switches it. Dan

Date: 02/08/04 09:42
Re: Chicago suburbs, Metra, and IAIS questions....
Author: poultrycar

There never was a cement plant in that area. It was a ready mix concrete plant. The cement comes to most concrete plants by truck these days.

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