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Steam & Excursion > Doyle overshoots roundhouse........Date: 07/05/02 13:37 Doyle overshoots roundhouse........ Author: Jim700 ...... on his return from Hillsboro to Brooklyn. Or so it appeared this morning when I met the 4449 at Alford (19 miles north of Eugene) on Amtrak #750. For you naysayers of the AFT paint scheme, not to worry for he had already replaced the AFT colors with new scheme of a certain familiar yellow with red lettering. And my, how fuel efficient his fireman was with the stack exhaust nearly invisible.
It\'s too bad this southbound couldn\'t have been just a few hours later to afford a mainline/yard lead meet of the 4449 - 4449 just north of Willsburg Junction. On a different note, I stopped by the roundhouse on the way home from work this morning and the SP&S 700 was showing about 325 on the gauge undergoing its hydro. Date: 07/06/02 07:49 Re: Doyle overshoots roundhouse........ Author: fpost3776 That\'s how a good fireman works; clear stack or just a slight haze.
ex-hogger, coal and oil fireman |