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Steam & Excursion > 4014 leaving Big Sandy

Date: 09/18/24 04:49
4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: WrongWayMurphy

I live 20  miles south of Big Sandy, in Tyler, and kept up with the progress or lack thereof,
then when I got wind it was moving, Mrs Murphy &I drove up to Big Sandy check it out.
As per threads below it was 5 hours behind schedule due to problems with trains ahead of it
on the Pine Bluff Sub (ex Cotton Belt) in northeast Texas.

We got a great spot free of clutter between the Cotton Belt tracks and T&P tracks with sun at
our backs.  Another bloke with three cameras around his neck came to stand with us, as did 
a lady with child.  Two toots and 4014 came towards us for the perfect shot.  Then at the
precise moment, a dude with no morals or common sense, ran up right in front of us to get
his shot with his mobile phone.

I did manage to shoot this going away video but erased the first half of it due to Bozo mucking it up.

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Date: 09/18/24 05:50
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: Frisco1522

I don't know why people are so rude, thoughtless and selfish, but an application of a piece of ballast upside the head can jar them back to reality.  Likewise the ones who walk up while you're shooting video and start talking.  I don't chase any more.

Date: 09/18/24 07:07
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: jkh2cpu

Nice, Mr Murphy.  I'm sorry the klutz did his thing in public.  I would be interested in seeing the first half of the video as I'm sure I can ignore the fellow while watching the loco :-)


Date: 09/18/24 07:12
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: Lackawanna484

Frisco1522 Wrote:
> I don't know why people are so rude, thoughtless
> and selfish, but an application of a piece of
> ballast upside the head can jar them back to
> reality.  Likewise the ones who walk up while
> you're shooting video and start talking.  I don't
> chase any more.

There are places in Florida, and perhaps Texas, where conduct like that could draw a lot more than an errant piece of ballast to the head...

Date: 09/18/24 09:15
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: wcamp1472

Fireman to Engineer, of a speeding passenger train:
" We ran-over a cow!"

Engineer hollers back:
"How do you know ? "

Fireman: "I can hear the cow's bell ringing!"

Youll notice in a lot of 4014 videos, that the engineer has left the 
bell ringing, constantly ....
He needs a pilot-light in the cab, for the air-line to the bell ringer...


( A polite way to say : Hey, Dummy, turn the bell off!)


Date: 09/18/24 11:50
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: callum_out

But Wes, you need to warn the hoards of admiring people with their cell phones. But
hey, the PR value is priceless (or worthless if you consider the impact of the crowd on
the railroad) and Ed is just being safe. 


Date: 09/18/24 13:06
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: Lackawanna484

callum_out Wrote:
> But Wes, you need to warn the hoards of admiring
> people with their cell phones. But
> hey, the PR value is priceless (or worthless if
> you consider the impact of the crowd on
> the railroad) and Ed is just being safe. 
> Out

The 4014 released a fair amount of steam in its stop at the Rochelle diamond the other day. Caused the locomotive to vanish into the mist, and quite a few onlookers to back off.  Did the job, that's for sure.

Date: 09/18/24 13:14
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: wcamp1472

Ringing Bells are easily ignored by the public.
Live steam from the cylinder cocks is demonstrably 
more effective.

In a lot of the close-In videos has 4014's bell ringing steadily ....
And, yes, I've spent 5 years in sream engine cabs, so 
I'm appreciative of all the things to keep track-of..



Date: 09/18/24 16:07
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: wpdude

Anytime my engineer left the bell ringing , I WOULD LOOK OVER AND SAY "YOU SELLING ICE CREAM, OR WHAT?" Which would generate the obligatory middle finger and a verbal you know what.....LOL

Date: 09/18/24 17:09
Re: 4014 leaving Big Sandy
Author: HotWater

wpdude Wrote:
> Anytime my engineer left the bell ringing , I
> WHAT?" Which would generate the obligatory middle
> finger and a verbal you know what.....LOL

Except,,,,,,,,,,,,,on a steam locomotive neither the Fireman nor the Engineer can hear the damned bell on the road at speed!

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