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Steam & Excursion > Niles Canyon Railway Train of Lights Going Again

Date: 11/23/24 08:45
Niles Canyon Railway Train of Lights Going Again
Author: FiveChime

As we do every year.
Train has been sold out for weeks but for us that appreciate the sound of vintage locomotives,
SP SD9 5472 is on the east end and sounds great working up our 1.5% upgrade east of Farewell Bridge in Niles Canyon.
Sound video from outside the train in the dark could be interesting.
WP GP7 is on the point heading west.
Regards, Jim Evans, Pacific Locomotive Association

Date: 11/23/24 17:44
Re: Niles Canyon Railway Train of Lights Going Again
Author: coach

I saw this train in Sunol a few years ago, on a rainy night.  The crowd waiting to board was huge.  Train was 15-18 cars??  And they run lots of trips for a full month, and he's saying they're already sold out.  WOW.  It's a great fundraiser for NCRWY, and parents love bringing their kids to it.  Super win-win all around.

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