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Steam & Excursion > Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30PDate: 12/20/24 23:16 Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: Jsporseen I've seen no film clips of the Holiday Express so here is rather poor one done as I was standing on the corner of Caruthers and Water Avenues looking past the Mt. Hood Brewing Company toward the ORHC. Many of my sons, cousins, children and grandchildren rode the train. Excuse the quality as there were lots of walkers and bicyclists in the area.
I guess I really can't complain as I'm sure I parked illegally and was standing right on the middle of the bicycle lane to take the video and was lucky that nobody yelled at me to get out of the way and no policeman came by to tell me to move my car. JOHN Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/24 15:58 by Jsporseen. You must be a registered subscriber to watch videos. Join Today! Date: 12/21/24 08:12 Re: Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: longliveSP Absolutely an excellent video. Thank you for posting it.
Date: 12/21/24 16:38 Re: Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: asheldrake WELL done John.......thanks for posting!! Arlen
Date: 12/22/24 12:00 Re: Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: redberan4449 Jsporseen Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > I've seen no film clips of the Holiday Express > so here is rather poor one done as I was > standing on the corner of Caruthers and Water > Avenues looking past the Mt. Hood Brewing Company > toward the ORHC. Many of my sons, cousins, > children and grandchildren rode the train. > Excuse the quality as there were lots of walkers > and bicyclists in the area. > John, For those of us who can't/won't travel there, ANY steam video is appreciated. Thank you, Ron Date: 12/22/24 20:37 Re: Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: wp1801 Thanks for this!
Date: 12/22/24 21:54 Re: Holiday Express on Saturday - Nov. 30 - 2:30P Author: RailRat Nice video and thanks for posting, like that whistle!
I'm sure the bicyclist understood why you were parked there after they heard and saw the special train. Jim Baker Riverside, CA |