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Steam & Excursion > Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?

Date: 12/21/24 09:28
Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?
Author: SantaFeCF7

I'm trying to decide if it would be warm enough for the all day trip in the open air car, or to just do the observation car before it sells out. 

Date: 12/21/24 12:27
Re: Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?

Long range forecast for Clewiston Florida shows 75 and partly cloudy for January 11th. Low of 53.

Posted from Android

Chris Bost
Leesport, PA

Date: 12/21/24 18:45
Re: Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?
Author: wcamp1472

Do the observation car...
You'll then have your choice... ride in each, part-way..

Plenty of room in the open window cars..



Date: 12/21/24 19:40
Re: Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?
Author: SantaFeCF7

wcamp1472 Wrote:
> Do the observation car...
> You'll then have your choice... ride in each,
> part-way..
> Plenty of room in the open window cars..
> ​W.

Since they were selling a full open air coach car this trip and there was no mention of the open air baggage car in their marketing I was figuring it wasn't making the trip this time. I have previously enjoyed the first class accommodations and the open air baggage. 

Date: 12/23/24 15:58
Re: Anyone riding Sugar Express on January 11, 2025?
Author: nathansixchime

The open-air baggage car is not a ticketed car. It's still listed among the amenities: https://sugarexpress.com/tour-our-train/

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