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Steam & Excursion > Pacing SP4449 up the gorge

Date: 01/19/25 09:43
Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: OKTrainboys

Pacing SP Daylight 4449 on day 1 of the journey to Trainfest 2009 with Durango!

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Date: 01/19/25 10:37
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: F40PHR231

Great video! 

Date: 01/19/25 10:47
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: OKTrainboys

Was hoping you were still on this board! Thank You!!

Date: 01/19/25 15:26
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: nycman

Couldn't find myself in the crowd, oh, because I was aboard. I have a picture much like the one shown of Mike and his family chasing with Durango. What a great adventure that turned out to be as a crewmember.

Date: 01/19/25 18:05
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: OliveHeights

What ever became of Durango?

Date: 01/19/25 18:53
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: OKTrainboys

A wonderful,wonderful thing! First Chris, now Fitz! Tanner and I actually talked with Durango a couple of weeks ago while at the ORHC. It was fantastic! We called him with a crew member at 9PM Pacific time, and he is in Florida, so it was quite late! So amazing to talk with him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/25 20:25 by OKTrainboys.

Date: 01/20/25 03:05
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: coach

Great video!  Amazing engineering to have all the rotating weight not tear itself apart.  Just amazing to me.

What really surprised me were the wheels under the firebox---they're SPOKED, not solid, like the ones on the lead  truck.  That really surprised me, given the weight they're supporting.  Maybe it has something to do with the booster?

Date: 01/20/25 10:15
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: HotWater

coach Wrote:
> Great video!  Amazing engineering to have all the
> rotating weight not tear itself apart.  Just
> amazing to me.
> What really surprised me were the wheels under the
> firebox---they're SPOKED, not solid, like the ones
> on the lead  truck.  That really surprised me,
> given the weight they're supporting.  Maybe it
> has something to do with the booster?

Yes, the trailing truck has a spoked wheel set since that wheel set is a larger diameter and thus has steel tires (the solid wheels do not have steel tires), and is also driven by the booster.

Date: 02/02/25 19:32
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: ProAmtrak

Nice video, what year's that ride of yours!

Date: 02/03/25 09:08
Re: Pacing SP4449 up the gorge
Author: wabash2800

Thanks for sharing. A friend and I paced the 765 in Indiana. We had railfans passing us on double-lines to get to their next photo location, though the train was moving pretty much at highway speed. They were angry and we had a close call.

Never again. Our minds are made up. We got some great coverage, but it wasn't worth it in our opinion.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 09:09 by wabash2800.

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