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Steam & Excursion > Strasburg ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate whistleblower

Date: 01/20/25 23:55
Strasburg ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate whistleblower
Author: GenePoon

Strasburg Rail Road ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate fired whistleblower Lancaster Online
 U.S. Department of Labor has ordered Strasburg Rail Road to reinstate a former employee and pay them $221,114 after being fired for raising safety concerns. The identity of the worker is protected under federal whistleblower laws, the Department of Labor said.

The worker was fired for refusing to issue steam locomotive and conductor licenses to an untrained and unqualified management official who has since left employment at the railroad, an investigation determined. Eric Hoerner, president and CEO of the railroad, said there is no risk to the public.  

“We have a pristine safety record. For 2023 we have received the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association safety award,” Hoerner said. Strasburg also received the award in 2022. Awards for 2024 have not been announced.

According to a news release, the Strasburg Rail Road employee was fired by a former company official who is no longer with the railroad for refusing to license an untrained manager.

The Department of Labor said that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration investigated a whistleblower complaint by the terminated employee who alleged they were fired after refusing to issue the licenses due to safety and legal reasons. OSHA confirmed the management official lacked the required licensing credentials and determined the company retaliated by firing the worker, a violation of the Federal Railroad Safety Act.

Hoerner said the former company official resigned on his own and declined further comment. The railroad has 30 days to appeal the order. 

Former president and general manager Jim Hager resigned in early 2024. Reached Friday, he  declined to comment on whether the incident happened on his watch. “I don’t have any comment,” Hager said. “I don’t work there any more so I have no comment.”  

OSHA has ordered the company and a former company official to pay the employee $161,114 in back wages and interest, $10,000 in compensatory damages and $50,000 in punitive damages. OSHA’s order also requires them to expunge the employee’s records of any references to exercising rights under the whistleblower law. 

“The OSHA investigation found Strasburg Rail Road Co. wrongfully terminated the employee for exercising their protected right to raise safety concerns,” said OSHA Regional Administrator Michael Rivera in Philadelphia in a prepared statement. “This case underscores the critical importance of protecting workers who prioritize safety and comply with federal regulations. Retaliation against employees who stand up for safety will not be tolerated.” 

The 193-year-old 4-mile railroad is a beloved local tourist attraction that brings about 275,000 visitors a year. It also operates a highly respected restoration shop and employs about 75 full time and 100 part time employees. A board of approximately 10 members directs the closely held private company.  It claims to be the oldest continuously operating railroad in the U.S.
The company owns and operates five working steam locomotives and 20 operating passenger cars for scenic tours and special events. 

The railroad has experienced turnover in its top post since 2018. Last year, Hoerner became the fifth leader since 2018. Hager held the top post from fall 2022 to spring 2024. He replaced Tony Gebbia, a former Disney event manager who was named general manager in 2019 until April 2022. Gebbia took over for Craig R. Lefever, who died of cancer in June 2019, just a few months after being named Strasburg Rail Road's eighth president in December 2018. Lefever worked full time at the railroad since 1987. Lefever had succeeded Linn Moedinger, who retired in November 2018 after 18 years as president and 51 years with the railroad. 


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/20/25 23:56 by GenePoon.

Date: 01/21/25 00:48
Re: Strasburg ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate whistleblower
Author: KurtBWNews

Something is very rotten in America with those entrusted with leadership and management positions these days, it appears.

Not everyone, mind you.  Just what appears an increasing percentage of individuals measuring the length of somethings.  Sigh.

Date: 01/21/25 05:10
Re: Strasburg ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate whistleblower
Author: Spoony81

Talked about 3 days ago here…


Posted from iPhone

Date: 02/03/25 12:14
Re: Strasburg ordered to pay $221,114, reinstate whistleblower
Author: CO1309

They're really quite lucky there weren't more punitive damages than was was awarded.  It could have been much worse, possibly sinking the organization or grinding it's ability to operate to a hault temproarily at a minimum.

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