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Steam & Excursion > Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?

Date: 01/22/25 12:53
Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: aehouse

I was digging through some shelves today and came upon an album of long-lost black and white negatives.

The images are of various railfanning trips I made during the period 1970-1986.

Among the shots were these two of N&W 611, but I have no recollection of when or where they were taken.

Does anyone have a thought?

Art House

Date: 01/22/25 16:09
Re: Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: Frisco1522

I don't know where they are, but they are great shots.

Date: 01/22/25 16:32
Re: Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: Jimbo

Based on the pole line visible in the photos, I would guess former N&W, but I don't know where.


Date: 01/22/25 16:33
Re: Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: refarkas

Photo two has a wonderful 3-D feeling to it.

Date: 01/23/25 05:37
Re: Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: MJV1988

Judging by the non existent coal boards and striped water tender and former SOU coaches in consist. Sometime between 1983-1988. Where though I do not know.

Posted from Android

Date: 01/23/25 07:26
Re: Rediscovery of 611 Images, But Where and When?
Author: aehouse

Turns out that they are both of the inaugural Roanoke-Norfolk run over Labor Day 1982. The double track image is at Blue Ridge, Va., and the single track line shot was taken a few miles east of Lynchburg.

Art House

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