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Steam & Excursion > Soo PacificDate: 01/29/25 08:29 Soo Pacific Author: WrongWayMurphy This is a rather pleasing photo of Soo 2723 with train, save for the photo blemish in the sky above the stack.
Im guessing this is at St Paul Union Station as photo says H-23 (or Lt-23) St Paul May '48. I would be curious if anyone know what passenger train this is. Dig that center disc driver. There is no photographer noted so please don't accuse me of not giving photo credit, else I would have. Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/25 08:30 by WrongWayMurphy. ![]() Date: 01/29/25 09:38 Re: Soo Pacific Author: ATSFSuperCap That apparently CNW two tone gray (The Challenger passenger train) chair car would tend to indicate this is Chicago area. St. Paul would have had yellow/green passenger cars around. Pacifics and Mountains would often get Disc or Box Pok main drivers during modernization to better balance the engine at high speeds. If, WCAMP should read this he could be more specific.
Richard. Date: 01/29/25 11:48 Re: Soo Pacific Author: kevink Doesn’t look like any place in Chicago where the Soo ran.
Posted from iPhone Date: 01/29/25 12:14 Re: Soo Pacific Author: Roadmaster The two-tone passenger car appears to say OVERLAND above the windows, and the location appears to me to be just south of the 6th Street bridge (replaced by I-94) over the GN and NP transcontinental mains in St. Paul, so, if this is correct, I believe this train is on the final approach to St. Paul Union Depot.
EDIT: see my post below for links to John Barriger III photos from this area Matthew Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/25 22:01 by Roadmaster. Date: 01/29/25 13:19 Re: Soo Pacific Author: refarkas Superior scene.
Bob Date: 01/29/25 14:10 Re: Soo Pacific Author: hawkinsun Since I was born a midwesterer, the SOO LINE was one of my favorites, growing up.. Great photo. Down into Chicago, I know one train was named
"The Laker ", but not sure where it originated on the other end. Nice Box Pok driver on that engine. The C&NW had a lot of those too. Wes, who made those wheels. Thanks for the photo. Craig Hanson Vay, Idaho Date: 01/29/25 20:04 Re: Soo Pacific Author: RuleG ATSFSuperCap Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > That apparently CNW two tone gray (The Challenger > passenger train) chair car would tend to indicate > this is Chicago area. > Richard. The Soo Line used Grand Central Station in Chicago until moving to Central Station. Chicago & North Western trains used the North Western depot. Date: 01/29/25 20:06 Re: Soo Pacific Author: RuleG hawkinsun Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Down into Chicago, I know one train was named > "The Laker ", but not sure where it originated on > the other end. > Craig Hanson > Vay, Idaho The Laker linked Chicago with Duluth, MN and Superior, WI. I believe sections of the train also went to Minneapolis, MN and Ashland, WI. Date: 01/29/25 21:59 Re: Soo Pacific Author: Roadmaster I found three Great Northern photos in the collection of John Barriger III photos that show the bridges (6th and 7th Street), some of the retaining wall and signals similar to that in the photo that WrongWay posted. The tower in GN433 should be for 7th Street interlocking. GN430 is looking south from near where the photographer of Soo Line 2723 was standing, showing the tracks diverging right to St. Paul Union Depot, as well as the Kellogg Blvd. bridge . . . I'm not sure what that tower would have been called, perhaps 3rd Street?
GN431 taken just north of 6th Street: https://www.flickr.com/photos/barrigerlibrary/12624122364/in/album-72157640328277254 GN433 taken north of 7th Street: https://www.flickr.com/photos/barrigerlibrary/12623791363/in/album-72157640328277254 GN430 taken south of 6th Street: https://www.flickr.com/photos/barrigerlibrary/12623683755/in/album-72157640328277254 Matthew Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/25 22:00 by Roadmaster. Date: 02/03/25 07:05 Re: Soo Pacific Author: rrman6 At first, thought I was seeing a worker atop the tender with "real long legs", but discovered it was a wayside signal. Releaved!!!!! Ha!