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Nostalgia & History > Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W

Date: 09/30/24 05:34
Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: santafe199

But hey, it’s all Rock Island dontcha know...

1. ROCK 4469, leading unit on a train parked just short of the UP crossing about 3 blocks east of here. The crew most likely has a bit of local business to attend to. Check out that puny train-order shack! Photo date: August 23, 1978 in Manhattan, KS.

2. ROCK 777 is parked in Herington, KS on July 11, 1978. Anyone for a pull an the slots?

3. ROCK 4550 posing in Herington, KS circa 1979. Note Rock Island logo on the old RH tower back there.
Three B/W images from my “Why did I shoot that 35mm stuff” days. Roughly 1977 ~ 1981.

Thanks for not getting too confused... ;^)
Lance Garrels

Date: 09/30/24 06:18
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: Hou74-76

B/W images from my “Why did I shoot that 35=11.2pxmm stuff” days. Roughly 1977 ~ 1981.

I always thought, particularly in that era, that B/W prompted the photographer to focus and stress the subject matter more.
There were other reasons too of course. The positive outcome of the decision to go with B/W is shown in this trio of shots.   I like them.

Date: 09/30/24 06:52
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: santafe199

Hou74-76 Wrote: > ... B/W prompted the photographer to focus and stress the subject matter more ...

What I meant was: "Why did I shoot all those small 35mm sized negs". If I wanted to shoot B/W I should have at least invested in a larger format camera. But bleeping reaganomics of those years kicked the shit out if that idea. Except for sentimentality, I now have 100s of 35mm B/W negs that are virtually worthless...


Date: 09/30/24 07:56
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: callen77

These are great. Definitely looks like the Kansas I recall from my toddlin' days. Appreciate the RI post.

Date: 09/30/24 08:47
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: Chico56

Look good to me Lance!  Do you remember what film you were using?

Date: 09/30/24 09:08
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: refarkas

First-class black and white images.

Date: 09/30/24 09:09
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: santafe199

Chico56 Wrote: > ... Do you remember what film you were using?

I mainly used Panatomic-X (32 ASA). Once in a while I would get frisky and shoot Plus-X (125 ASA??). Later on I tried Ilford XP-1, and really liked it. You could shoot that stuff at 400 ASA and get good sharpness. I was doing my own home-processing and that stuff was easy! But overall, I was slipping out of the notion that I needed to be shooting B/W at all. By 1982 I was shooting my Canon A-1 w/ motor-drive for action shots and a pair of used AE-1s for roster shooting & backup. It got to where shooting B/W was a juggling handicap...


Date: 09/30/24 11:52
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: Chico56

santafe199 Wrote:
> I mainly used Panatomic-X (32 ASA). 

LOL, I actually have a very ancient roll of Panatomic in my fridge!!

Date: 10/05/24 13:03
Re: Maroon Monday: Bankrupt Blue in B&W
Author: Kalamakid

Why not contact the negs and then display them.   A train picture is better than blowing sand anytime.

Ted Popw MSP

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