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Nostalgia & History > WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s

Date: 11/24/24 06:35
WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: KCRW287

This post has a WP train with a large consist, stopping at the wye and doing a little shuffling, making one train into two. Did this train originate in Oroville? And then when they depart toward northern California? Any info appreciated. Photographer unknown, my collection, KCRW287

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Date: 11/24/24 08:22
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: bluesman

Remarkable quality! Looks like it was current.

Date: 11/24/24 08:44
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: FiveChime

Those were great times!
Thanks for posting.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 11/24/24 09:12
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: trackplanner

Oroville must have combined two trains.

Date: 11/24/24 14:30
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: callen77

Fascinating video, and I'm glad it has some clear imagery of the power as well. Must have sounded great!

Date: 11/24/24 15:31
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: billmeeker

Awesome video.  Possibly a combined #138 / #170 out of Oroville, and a Paxton pickup with tonnage dropped off by a westbound train out of Portola.  The combined train plus the additional tonnage was then split back into two trains at Keddie due to tonnage restrictions on the Highline.

Date: 11/24/24 16:37
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: WAF

billmeeker Wrote:
> Awesome video.  Possibly a combined #138 / #170
> out of Oroville, and a Paxton pickup with tonnage
> dropped off by a westbound train out of Portola. 
> The combined train plus the additional tonnage was
> then split back into two trains at Keddie due to
> tonnage restrictions on the Highline.
Most likely with the caboose in the middle of the train and 9 units

Date: 11/24/24 17:04
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: TomG

Bill is correct, probably a 138\170 combo, this occurred often but usually never split back up again. No this train did not originate in Orovile, but it was switched and blocked in Oroville. Of note, even with lots of power, by special instructions, trains were restricted to 6 units under power.
Great video, brings back the good ol days.

Date: 11/24/24 19:39
Re: WP with BN power, GE EMD ALCO Keddie Wye early 70s
Author: RailRat

Wow, very interesting and clear video, lots to see here. Paused, zoomed in, rewind several times with this one!

Jim Baker
Riverside, CA

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