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Nostalgia & History > ID on lightweight car ?

Date: 11/24/24 07:05
ID on lightweight car ?
Author: gcm

April 1981
This car was being used by Speno but don't remember where.
Any idea on its history - maybe an ex-Southern coach ?



Date: 11/24/24 07:15
Re: ID on lightweight car ?
Author: Jimbo

Good guess with that black painted roof.  It could be an ex-Southern 52 seat Budd coach.


Date: 11/24/24 07:30
Re: ID on lightweight car ?
Author: Topfuel

Jimbo Wrote:
> Good guess with that black painted roof.  It
> could be an ex-Southern 52 seat Budd coach.
> Jim

Correct.  An ex-Southern 52 seat coach built by Budd in 1949.  Several went to Speno and have since been sold back into other private ownership to possibly be restored someday.

Date: 11/25/24 08:39
Re: ID on lightweight car ?
Author: steeplecab

> Correct.  An ex-Southern 52 seat coach built by Budd in 1949.  Several went to Speno and have
> since been sold back into other private ownership to possibly be restored someday.

Did one of these go to EMD for their EMDX ET840 Test Car?
from thread https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?3,4518598,page=1


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