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Nostalgia & History > MAC Monday.

Date: 11/25/24 08:28
MAC Monday.
Author: hank

In March 2001 a pair of SD70MAC locomotives in the executive Grinstein paint scheme are leading a westbound empty coal train at South Street in Burlington, Iowa on the BNSF Ottumwa sub.

Thanks for viewing.

Ron Hirsch
Springfield, Mo.

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Date: 11/25/24 08:43
Re: MAC Monday.
Author: FiveChime

Nice video.
This time period is when the push button activate K3 horns became standard - for a while.
Not very nice sounding with pretty much On & Off activation and no feathering like with old valve activation..
Very noticeable on the SP with the 9800 class SD70's, a great variation from traditional 
Nathan P3 horns.

Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 11/25/24 10:06
Re: MAC Monday.
Author: cabman

Thanks for the memory, Ron!  The train must have just come off the Mississippi River bridge if it's westbound.  And tthanks for not subjecting us viewers to an endless stream of empty gons which can be very boring. 

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