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Nostalgia & History > 1985 defect detector on the old Monon

Date: 11/29/24 20:54
1985 defect detector on the old Monon
Author: CSX2605

1985 and the defect detector at Cherry Grove gives Amtrak's "Hoosier State" a clean bill of health. This is on the old Monon north of Crawfordsville, IN and is part of the Seaboard System RR. The next year would be the beginning of CSX. The first photo in the video is in Crawfordsville at Ames siding where R590 is in the hole for R591. The next two photos are at Linden where the Monon crossed the NKP "Clover Leaf" line with the Monon depot in the shot.

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Date: 11/30/24 02:13
Re: 1985 defect detector on the old Monon
Author: cabsignaldrop

Neat! Didn't realize the Cloverleaf was still in that late.

Posted from Android

Date: 11/30/24 04:16
Re: 1985 defect detector on the old Monon
Author: CSX2605

cabsignaldrop Wrote:
> Neat! Didn't realize the Cloverleaf was still in
> that late.
1988 NS was picking up the rail. Not sure when the last train ran.

Date: 11/30/24 10:49
Re: 1985 defect detector on the old Monon
Author: Roadmaster

Thank you for sharing this audio. I enjoy listening to defect detectors from the past.


Date: 11/30/24 21:19
Re: 1985 defect detector on the old Monon
Author: gonx

I like how it was repeated 3 times. Plenty of times for crews to finish up their in cab stories and pay attention to the radio transmission.

Thanks for sharing this.

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