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Nostalgia & History > Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 1981

Date: 01/06/25 20:12
Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 1981
Author: AlcoRSD15

On an eastbound chase of the Rio Grande Zephyr through Glenwood Canyon, Sep. 12, 1981 with HK Wong and BC Hellman.  In 1981, the highway through Glenwood Canyon was still two-lane, so there were ample spots to pull off and photograph the Zephyr. (Now it's four lane freeway). - Eric Blasko

Date: 01/06/25 20:13
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: AlcoRSD15

We then got the Zephyr again near Bond CO, and departing Granby in the last sunlight.  - Eric B

Date: 01/06/25 21:28
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: dan

fine shots

Date: 01/06/25 21:34
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: BCHellman

Have to thank my late mom and dad for loaning, and trusting, me with the car. It created a certain hardship since they only had the motorhome to get around for them and my two sisters.

Thanks Eric, for shots and reminder.

Date: 01/06/25 23:53
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: AlcoRSD15

To BC Hellman:  Thanks, man.  Couldn't have done the trip without you.  - E. B.

Date: 01/07/25 05:11
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: DavidP

Super photos!  I always find it interesting to see the growth in length of the RGZ consists between Amtrak day in 1971 and it's demise in 1983....seems like business was increasing, just not quickly enough to justify the Rio Grande continuing private operation with the aging car fleet.  Also cool that you caught it on a day with no steam-generator car, and the ex-UP diner filling in.


Date: 01/07/25 07:23
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: GPutz

Thanks for this "blast from the past."  Gerry

Date: 01/07/25 09:56
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: 6432

Thanks for posting and bringing back great memories of the RGZ. Rode it in May of the same year and no PB boiler car either but we had the CZ diner. We had such a great time and the crew was so friendly and helpful. Thanks again for posting.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/07/25 14:24
Re: Chasing the Rio Grande Zephyr Glenwood Canyon to Granby CO 19
Author: rrpreservation

Nice set of shots!!

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