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Nostalgia & History > A Friday FL9, complete with Full, Flaming Foliage

Date: 01/10/25 06:56
A Friday FL9, complete with Full, Flaming Foliage
Author: march_hare

It's fall foliage season: late October, 1987. An afternoon Empire Service train ducks under the Bear Mountain Bridge and the short tunnels nearby on its way to New York. 

Date: 01/10/25 10:35
Re: A Friday FL9, complete with Full, Flaming Foliage
Author: refarkas


Date: 01/10/25 18:23
Re: A Friday FL9, complete with Full, Flaming Foliage
Author: ironmtn

Very nice shot. Uncommon (at least for me) to see an FL9 in Amtrak paint, and particularly at that very scenic location. Well done - thanks.


Date: 01/11/25 05:49
Re: A Friday FL9, complete with Full, Flaming Foliage
Author: march_hare

FL9s were regular everyday power from NYC to Albany for most of the 1980s. They seldom ventured west or north of Albany, but it did happen occasionally. 

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