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Nostalgia & History > SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday

Date: 01/10/25 10:22
SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: WestinAshahr

A few images of the former SP caboose shortly after its late-80's repaint...

1. So fresh it glowed! 1133 shines under the overhead lights outside Brooklyn Roundhouse.  --Dec 14, 1987
2. With a steady hand, caboose owner Bob Slover applies the appropriate lettering at Brooklyn. --Oct 15, 1988
3. En route to the Oregon State Fair courtesy of the Renard Turn, the job sets out cars at Clackamas before proceeding cab hop to Salem. --Sept 8, 1992

Date: 01/10/25 10:32
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: refarkas

Great shots.

Date: 01/10/25 10:35
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: BoilingMan

Bobby!  Ha! 

Date: 01/10/25 11:06
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: Ritzville

Nice SP series!


Date: 01/10/25 12:13
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: wp1801

Looking forward to seeing it like this again!

Date: 01/10/25 18:35
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: SP4360

Had no idea Bob owned a classic.

Date: 01/12/25 18:25
Re: SP Memories: Fresh Paint Friday
Author: BryanTCook

SP4360 Wrote:
> Had no idea Bob owned a classic.

Well Dale it was Westin Ashahr's idea and effort that got it.  Then we brought in the Reverend Thielsen McCoy as the Silent Partner.  I think he has the aisle down the center.

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