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Nostalgia & History > SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972

Date: 01/10/25 23:06
SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: choochoochas

The Southern Pacific roundhouse in Santa Barbara California was still around in 1972. I posted a newspaper article and photos of it previously explaining how it came about being constucted to look like a bull ring in Sevile Spain after the old ugly brick roundhouse was destroyed in an earthquake in 1926. So here are more photos of it a couple of years later after the United States Plywood company had moved out of it. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/25 23:26 by choochoochas.

Date: 01/10/25 23:09
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: choochoochas

Three more photos taken on October 14th, 1972 as were the others.

Date: 01/10/25 23:12
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: choochoochas

Had to take the interior shots thru cracks and gaps in the window and door areas. Also climbed on the roof using a fixed metal ladder on the East side of the roundhouse.

Date: 01/10/25 23:22
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: choochoochas

More roof photos of the roundhouse taken on October 14th, 1972. The last photo looking toward the North and you can see where the turntable used to be. The building was on the Northside of Cabrillo Blvd. just across from the beach.

Date: 01/11/25 05:13
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: E25

Wonderful presentation and preservation of a different era.  Thanks!

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 01/11/25 06:31
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: Gordon1950

Fantastic photo heritage. A Santa Barbara I no longer know. Fes Parker's hotel sits there now.

Date: 01/11/25 09:01
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: Frisco1522

If those walls could talk.

Date: 01/11/25 10:10
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: spider1319

Super coverage. Thanks for posting. Bill Webb

Date: 01/11/25 15:34
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: RuleG

Thank you for posting these photos.  The roundhouse was still standing when I went to the site in 1977 or 1978.

Date: 01/11/25 17:43
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: atsf121

Fancy looking roundhouse, thanks for posting.

Date: 01/11/25 18:48
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: doge_of_pocopson

Thank you for the photos -- this has to be the largest collection of the SB roundhouse ever seen.  B

Date: 01/11/25 19:20
Re: SP Santa Barbara roundhouse 1972
Author: BoilingMan

Really Remarkable Photos!  I hadn't realized the Roundhouse had lasted quite that long, but still a couple years before I got my camera.  I saw the Roundhouse when the lumber outfit was active, and as you've shown it here.  But I never saw the turntable or it in RR service.  Do you know when the SP moved out?

Fess Parker's "Roundhouse" at the hotel sits very near, but not precisely on, the footprint of the SP Roundhouse.  The original was also slightly smaller in diameter the what Fess built.

Dear god- I had the same VW!  Same color too.  Mine was a '66.

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