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Nostalgia & History > Switcher Saturday.

Date: 01/25/25 11:46
Switcher Saturday.
Author: hank

November 25, 1988 at the south end of the Burlington Northern's Northtown yard in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  Two pairs of BN SW1500 units and an SD9 doing work or waiting assignments  as a SOO Line transfer of power crosses tlhe bridge with five x Milwaukee MP15AC switchers and two GP9 locos headed west.

Thanks for viewing and looking.

ron Hirsch
Springfield, mo.

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Date: 01/25/25 13:46
Re: Switcher Saturday.
Author: tehachapifan

That location in the top photo sure looks like a model ralroad come to life.

Date: 01/26/25 11:34
Re: Switcher Saturday.
Author: ntharalson

Thaanks for posting, Ron.  The location of these shots is at the weat end of the St. Anthony Parkway bridge oveer the South end of Northtown Yard.  This has been a "go to" location in the Twin cities for years.   I understand this bridge has been recently rebuilt.  (Sometie in the last five years.)  Does anyone have a shot of the new structure?  The old structure is shown at hat start of the video clip.  And did anyone else notice the two parked SW1500's were consecutively numbered?

Nick Tharalson,
Marion, IA

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