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Nostalgia & History > Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.

Date: 02/03/25 13:42
Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: nydepot

Just a scan from the 1971 Steam Passenger Service Directory.

Date: 02/03/25 15:16
Re: Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: halfmoonharold

I posted these scans years ago. Here they are again for the new viewers. I rode the CP&LE as a kid several times in the '60's - '70's. There were 2 or 3 little scenes along the route with animated wooden figures, like a shootout with cap guns going off, a fire, and whatever. Great fun at that age! 

Date: 02/03/25 17:03
Re: Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: realscott

I loved this as a child when we would visit Cedar Point every summer.  My parents were dismayed because I rode this train many times.  They wanted to know why I wasn't riding the other rides.  Such as it is when you are a youthful "TRAIN NUT" and proud of it.  Oh, and now I am 71 and still a proud TRAIN NUT!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 17:04 by realscott.

Date: 02/03/25 19:06
Re: Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: broken_link

I was a fan as well. As a kid growing up in Metro Detroit, we'd make a trip every summer with my cousins in the late-70s through mid-80s. My interest in riding the train waned as I got older and was able to ride the roller coasters and other rides that I wasn't previously tall enough to enjoy. There was only so much time to hit all the roller coasters, so the train got passed up.

Date: 02/04/25 05:26
Re: Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: zars

I worked at Cedar Point the summer after graduating high school, as did many other young people from Erie County, Ohio.  I either worked with, or saw on a regular basis, many of my classmates and people from other high schools I had met or competed against in sports.

I worked at a food distribution warehouse; and when food stands and restaurants needed supplies we gathered them in the warehouse and delivered them out through the park.  It was a busy day; and we had to use a pickup truck to deliver a large amount of foodstuffs to restaurants in Frontier Town.  I was driving the truck and had several of my crew riding both in the truck and back in the bed

While we were unloading at the restaurant; they got a call telling us to get back to the warehouse ASAP.  We finished our delivery and returned through the 'back road' between Frontier Town and the warehouse.  Usually, it is out of sight behind the rides and buildings; but at one point, it came out from behind the ghost town and crossed the railroad tracks.  We were in such a hurry; we mis-judged the approach of a train full of passengers and ended up having to sit out in the open at the crossing, in an Old West ghost town, in a modern pickup truck, waiting for the train!

With the animatronic guns blazing around us; I quickly suggested we all fall down like we had been shot.  We got laughs and applause from the train passengers as it passed.  No one must have complained, because we never got chewed out about it later.

Date: 02/04/25 14:22
Re: Cedar Point & Lake Erie R.R.
Author: halfmoonharold

Classic story, way to cya!

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