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Nostalgia & History > 9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s

Date: 02/03/25 19:45
9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s
Author: MartyBernard

Wikipedia has a good article on the raiload at:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakota,_Minnesota_and_Eastern_Railroad

1. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6601 built May 1954 as CNW SD9 1701 and seen in Mason City, IA Sept. 14, 1991.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

2. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6601 built May 1954 as CNW SD9 1701 and seen south of Waseca, MN May 23, 1987.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

3. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6602 built May 1954 as CNW SD9 1702 and seen in Wasaca, MN April 18, 1989.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

Date: 02/03/25 19:47
Re: 9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s
Author: MartyBernard

4. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6609 built May 1954 as CNW SD9 1709 and seen in Wasaca, MN May 19, 1998.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

5. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6609 built May 1954 as CNW SD9 1709 and seen in Wasaca, MN May 20, 1987.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection.

6. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6613 built Nov. 1955 as CNW SD9 1723, renumbered to CNW 6613 and seen in Wasaca, MN May 14, 1993.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

Date: 02/03/25 19:49
Re: 9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s
Author: MartyBernard

7. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9 6614 built Nov. 1955 as CNW SD9 1724, renumbered to CNW 6614, and seen in Janesville, MN April 20, 1989.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

8. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9R 6616 built May 1953 as CNW SD7 1661, renumbered to CNW 6616, and seen in Waseca, MN April 18, 1989.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

9. Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern DME EMD SD9R 6618 built June 1953 as CNW SD7 1663, renumbered to CNW 6618, and seen in Manly, IA May 23, 1987.  Bill Kuba photo, Iowa Chapter NRHS collection

Date: 02/03/25 20:17
Re: 9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s
Author: RayH

Thanks for posting the Waseca pictures. It reminded me of the 2 days of meetings I had there around 1990, at the Kraft General Foods Birds Eye plant. If my memory is correct, tthe engine facility was right behind the warehouse. On a couple of occasions when work got slow, I went out back and got a bunch of roster shots of those same units.

Date: 02/03/25 20:46
Re: 9 of Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern SD9s
Author: callen77

Very nice sequence, thanks for posting! Long thought that the DME paint scheme looked particularly fine on these units.

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