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Nostalgia & History > New Haven #1327 on the train to Winsted

Date: 02/03/25 23:03
New Haven #1327 on the train to Winsted
Author: choochoochas

New Haven pacific #1327 on the train to Winsted Connecticut as they enter Thomaston CT in the late 1940s taken by my Father Harry R. Lange.

Date: 02/04/25 14:47
Re: New Haven #1327 on the train to Winsted
Author: Elesco

I really appreciate your New Haven photos.   I spent the first 10 years of my life, which was during the 40's, in Manchester CT.  Manchester was a station stop for Hartford-Boston passenger trains on the Willimantic route.  I was actually hooked on NH Pacifics at that young age, and still am. 

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