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Nostalgia & History > Timetable Tuesday - Texas Central RR

Date: 02/04/25 08:59
Timetable Tuesday - Texas Central RR
Author: WrongWayMurphy

This is more of an advert than timetable, but has a schedule element so I guess it counts.

"The Peanut Line" was its self proclaimed nickname, though most called it the "Tin Can".

This area was and still is dense in peanut and pecan farms and near the end of its corporate
existance, used Alco switchers for power. 

Date: 02/04/25 09:52
Re: Timetable Tuesday - Texas Central RR
Author: 2-10-2

That's an incredibly rare bit of history.
My paternal grandmother spent a number of years in Stamford at the NW end of the TC from about 1905-10.
She and I did a road trip in the mid-1970s along Highway 6 from Waco to Stamford and she told me of riding the train as a young girl in her teens as we paralleled the line (still in service) from Dublin to Gorman. The one bit of power we saw in DeLeon was in that bright orange paint they used.

Thanks for bringing back that memory and the timetable.

Date: 02/04/25 19:13
Re: Timetable Tuesday - Texas Central RR
Author: OmahaTom

Haha!!... "The Goober Special". That's awesome.

Tom Loftus
Omaha, NE

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