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Canadian Railroads > logo questions

Date: 10/21/15 07:26
logo questions
Author: leonz

Would any of you know where I can obtain the original Canaian Pacific Beaver logos and
whether I cna obtain them from EMD or GM?
I was unsure if they were painted on the locomotives or were applied as a sticker of some type.
I would like to have them for my train room when I do my layout.

Date: 10/21/15 07:45
Re: logo questions
Author: CPR_4000

The aluminum beaver logos from the Canadian equipment were made available to the public from CP Bygones when the Action Red scheme came along. You can find them occasionally on eBay. The cab unit nose logos were enameled steel and can sometimes be found there, too, but they're comparatively rare.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/15 17:41 by CPR_4000.

Date: 10/22/15 07:13
Re: logo questions
Author: leonz

Hello CPR_4000,

Thansk for letting me know where to find them. I was also looking for the full size CP Beaver emblem stickers that
were applied to the locomotives- I am assuming they werre not painted on the locomotives-if I am mistaken I apologise
in advance to the Train Orders Board Members.


Date: 10/22/15 08:25
Re: logo questions
Author: CPR_4000

leonz Wrote:
> I was also looking for the full size CP Beaver
> emblem stickers that were applied to the locomotives- I am assuming
> they werre not painted on the locomotives-

The beaver emblems used on the front of GM, CLC, and MLW cab units were enameled porcelain on a steel backing, not decals as far as I know. (E8 1800, used for the EMD builder photo, had a temporary logo applied for the photo session. CPR added the porcelain emblem after taking delivery.) The only roadswitchers I can think of that had beaver emblems were the dual service RS10's; these were similar in size to those used on the Canadian passenger cars. Not sure if they were cast 3-D aluminum like on the passenger cars or enameled porcelain. Back in the 50's it's likely that logos (and lettering) would have been hand painted using stencils. Decals came along in the late 50's to early 60's.

I'm not sure if CPR used a porcelain, cast, or painted emblem on steam locomotive cabs.

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