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Canadian Railroads > CN "Heritage" 8898

Date: 09/25/23 08:57
CN "Heritage" 8898
Author: newtonville150

CN's rather lame CN heritage unit should at least have been given zebra stripes in my opinion.
Instead the only distinguishing features are the white cab roof the 25th anniversary IPO decal.
I managed to photograph it two days running, albeit trailing.

September 23rd at 15:02, CN Q122 by Springhill Junction, solid double stacks but only 140 axles,
CN 8806 and CN 8898 (the "CN Heritage" unit.) Backlit to hell.

September 24th @ 13:25, CN L507 by Springhill Junction, CN 3823, CN 2644 with 194 axles.

September 24th @ 14:05, CN Q123 by Springhill Junction, CN 8806, CN 8898 with 312 axles.
I was disappointed that they turned the entire consist at Robert Pace yard in Halifax,
so the 8898 was trailing in both directions.

122/123 are currently running "as needed".

...John Reay, Springhill NS


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/23 08:58 by newtonville150.

Date: 09/25/23 16:38
Re: CN "Heritage" 8898
Author: feclark

Your point is well made, John. If you hadn't told me what made it a heritage scheme, I would have had no clue. The inspection cars seem to be a common feature in the intermodal trains now. Do you know if there's a particular reason?

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