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Canadian Railroads > A VIA scheduling question

Date: 09/10/24 07:53
A VIA scheduling question
Author: march_hare

With the upcoming renewal of Amtrak service into Montreal, I've been thinking of making a trip. 

Priority would be a one day round trip Montreal-Toronto-Montreal. Ideally, I'd like to ride Budd equipment in one direction and LRC equipment in the other. 

Does anybody see an easy way to do this?


Date: 09/11/24 12:45
Re: A VIA scheduling question
Author: DrawingroomA

Until VIA switched to a "new and improved" system it was fairly easy to get the type of consist for every train from the booking page.  That feature is gone.  On an enthusiasts site a member kindly created a chart showing type of equipment. I am unable to link that, but a quick perusal shows that a Montreal-Toronto same-day round trip will be on LRC equipment both ways. 

People in Toronto wishing to ride a HEP-2 consist one-way to Montreal  have more luck as the first two trains of the day are HEP-2 equipment.

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