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Canadian Railroads > Starting the New Year Off.

Date: 01/01/25 09:40
Starting the New Year Off.
Author: cn6218

Our white Christmas in Nova Scotia has given way to a foggy and rainy New Years, so from a winter when we had entirely too much snow, here is 407 backing into the yard in Truro to make their pickup on February 28, 2015.

5485 and 2270 had been the power on 408, and with 4 units on this train I would normally assume the other 2 would be gypsum power going to Moncton for servicing on the weekend.  February 28 was a Saturday, but 2305 and 2323 are both facing east.  With no way to wye a unit in Dartmouth, it seems unlikely they would have been on the gypsum turn.


Date: 01/02/25 14:11
Re: Starting the New Year Off.
Author: E25

You could almost get away with a title like "Power for Santa's sleigh" for that blast of red.

Nice catch, Geof

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/25 14:13 by E25.

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