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Canadian Railroads > An Extra 120 in the Snow

Date: 01/06/25 13:04
An Extra 120 in the Snow
Author: cn6218

Z120 is about the only eastbound train you can regularly count on seeing during daylight hours in Nova Scotia, so when news get out that there will be an "extra" of some sort, I usually try to go after it.  There was an X120 on December 28 last year, and it also coincided with a sunny day and fresh snow on the ground.  This train operated a couple hours after the Z120, and had about 7000 ft. with just two units up font and no DPU, compared to the regular train which was about the same size with twice as much power.  This may have been leftover traffic because of the holiday, rather than a Chicago train, which is usually all export containers and numbered 122.

It's shown here at mile 44 of the Bedford Sub, nearing Shubenacadie about 11:20, and then a little more than an hour later about to enter Pace Yard in Halifax, after a yard crew had taken over.


Date: 01/06/25 17:15
Re: An Extra 120 in the Snow
Author: NiagaraMike

Very nice as usual Geoff!

Date: 01/07/25 06:36
Re: An Extra 120 in the Snow
Author: texchief1

Great images, Geoff!


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