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Canadian Railroads > On this day

Date: 01/08/25 05:11
On this day
Author: hoggerdoug

A few images taken January 8, 2005 at the BC Rail, Prince George shops. It was a bitterly cold afternoon.
CN 1409, used in yard service, not many left at the time.
BCOL 4623 inside the shop
view from underneath.

Date: 01/08/25 05:13
Re: On this day
Author: hoggerdoug

BCOL 4647, our lead unit southbound from Prince George.
A trick with numbers, CN 5647 on the left, BCOL 4647 on the right.  BC Rail always ahead of CN.
thanks for looking.

Date: 01/08/25 06:51
Re: On this day
Author: 3rdswitch


Date: 01/08/25 09:17
Re: On this day
Author: TCnR

Good stuff from the Northlands.
The impression of the only GMD1 I saw was just a great big steel no-nonsense machine. No soft edges, all business. Probably more so when they are frozen.

Date: 01/08/25 10:42
Re: On this day
Author: poshell

Enjoying your pics.
Nine years after your shot, I caught CN 1409 at Walker yard Edmonton, AB on November 13, 2014.

Date: 01/08/25 22:28
Re: On this day
Author: feclark

hoggerdoug Wrote:
> BCOL 4647, our lead unit southbound from Prince
> George.
> A trick with numbers, CN 5647 on the left, BCOL
> 4647 on the right.  BC Rail always ahead of CN.
> thanks for looking.
> Doug

The lighting is amazing, bright but soft.

Date: 01/09/25 09:35
Re: On this day
Author: Ticeska

Curious, does CN still have the former BC Rail shop in Prince George open for locomotive repairs?  IIRC, CN's former locomotive shop near downtown has been "repurposed" for other uses.

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