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Canadian Railroads > Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario

Date: 01/27/25 06:59
Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: DrawingroomA

For a Toronto-London trip I was about to book I was looking at the seating diagrams which are Ventures on two round-trips to Windsor most days.  Within minutes I went back and saw that changed to HEP-2 equipment.for #71, 73, 76 & 78 as of the 3rd of Feb.  That is showing as far as bookings are available - almost 11 months. The only s/w Ontario Venture  showing in Reservia is Sunday's #87 to Sarnia and the return on #84 on Mondays.

There will be more Ventures on the Toronto-Montreal route. This includes the first two Toronto - Ottawa/Montreal J trains.  These will have 48 axles which will please CN.  The aforementioned four Toronto-Windsor trains have suffered many delays due to level crossing speed restrictions - as have other Venture-equipped trains. There have also been many issues with reliability of the locomotives. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/25 07:05 by DrawingroomA.

Date: 01/27/25 09:34
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: jp1822

This is not good, as this equipment was to be VIA's launch into modern rail equipment. Yet the "old stuff" is the more proven technology. UGH!

Date: 01/27/25 10:05
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: joemvcnj

If they would reroute the Sarnia train via Bayview and make it a "J" train with a Windsor train as far as London, that would partially fix that issue. Make the Stratford route terminate at London. But VIA Rail has determined for 35 years to have Sarnia be a junk corridor. 

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/25 11:01 by joemvcnj.

Date: 01/27/25 13:11
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: CCMF

I wonder if this has nothing to do with the equipment itself, but rather to reduce the number of trains "running through" Toronto ?  As it is, many trains are very late because the equipment coming in is delayed and the cycling perpetuates the problem.

Bill Miller
Galt, ON

Date: 01/27/25 16:03
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: jp1822

CCMF Wrote:
> I wonder if this has nothing to do with the
> equipment itself, but rather to reduce the number
> of trains "running through" Toronto ?  As it is,
> many trains are very late because the equipment
> coming in is delayed and the cycling perpetuates
> the problem.

Very likely, so as to not have the snow ball effect of late trains getting later and extending to more corridor points etc. 

Date: 01/27/25 17:19
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: MEKoch

Siemens cars and locomotives are unproven products. While Amtrak Chicago has notoriously bad maintenance, the Siemens. Co. Has major design issues. And winter happens every year.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/27/25 22:03
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: PHall

MEKoch Wrote:
> Siemens cars and locomotives are unproven
> products. While Amtrak Chicago has notoriously bad
> maintenance, the Siemens. Co. Has major design
> issues. And winter happens every year.
> Posted from iPhone

Yet they seem to handle the winters in Northern Europe very well. So maybe not design issues.

Date: 01/28/25 04:27
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: jp1822

PHall Wrote:
> MEKoch Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Siemens cars and locomotives are unproven
> > products. While Amtrak Chicago has notoriously
> bad
> > maintenance, the Siemens. Co. Has major design
> > issues. And winter happens every year.
> >
> > Posted from iPhone
> Yet they seem to handle the winters in Northern
> Europe very well. So maybe not design issues.

What trains in Northern Europe do the Sieman's Venture type coach/sleeper product work on? 

Date: 01/28/25 12:25
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: bobs

jp1822 Wrote:

> What trains in Northern Europe do the Sieman's
> Venture type coach/sleeper product work on? 

They don't, directly.  Ventures are a derivative of the Siemens Viaggio trainsets used in Europe, modified for North American service (whatever that means).  Viaggios were first developed for the Austrian railways (ÖBB) Railjet product, and are very successful there.  Some are also operated by Czech Railways (ČD).

I didn't find any description of the modifications though.

Date: 01/28/25 15:29
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: jp1822

bobs Wrote:
> jp1822 Wrote:
> > What trains in Northern Europe do the Sieman's
> > Venture type coach/sleeper product work on? 
> They don't, directly.  Ventures are a derivative
> of the Siemens Viaggio trainsets used in Europe,
> modified for North American service (whatever that
> means).  Viaggios were first developed for the
> Austrian railways (ÖBB) Railjet product, and are
> very successful there.  Some are also operated by
> Czech Railways (ČD).
> I didn't find any description of the modifications
> though.

Yes, I am aware of the Viaggios and their abilities, thank you - but my question still stands - where in northern Europe do the travel? Surely Austria and Czech Republic are not northern Europe. 

Date: 02/01/25 14:08
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: Mike6640-2

any loco with a 5 foot square hole in its side unfiltered 
to have problems.

Date: 02/01/25 16:02
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: jp1822

Mike6640-2 Wrote:
> any loco with a 5 foot square hole in its side
> unfiltered 
> to have problems.

That's another issue I mentioned when first seeing these locomotives in Amtrak service - the Chargers and the ALC42s. Seems REALLY odd especially considering past problems with "rain and snow particles" penetrating GG1's. E60s, and even HHP8's. 

Date: 02/04/25 19:08
Re: Ventures withdrawn from Southwestern Ontario
Author: Mike6640-2

Nailed it 100%!!!

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