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Announcements > Trainorders.com Sierra Fantasy Limited News

Date: 04/06/11 14:34
Trainorders.com Sierra Fantasy Limited News
Author: webmaster

Now that our servers and site have been upgraded I am now directing my attention to the Sierra Fantasy Limited private car excursion event this summer August 4-9, 2011. It is going to be a dynamite trip with some really unique excursions that include helicopter sightseeing over Donner Pass and a ride on the Virginia and Truckee Railroad. We also will host a V&T fantasy event that includes a steam locomotive cab ride and motor car trip over the railroad.

While I can't duplicate the Tehachapi Loop aerial video experience, we can offer some neat sightseeing over Donner Pass that can only be experienced from the air. I have two more spaces open for the helicopter trip, but if there is enough demand I might add a 4th run with the doors off and offer my three gyro stabilizers for those looking to take professional quality still photographs. If you are interested in this let me know by using the "Contact Us" link in the left menu bar and I will see if I can put something together even if you are not riding the private cars.

The excursion is four months away and we have had few cancellations to date. The one unique aspect of this excursion is most of our passengers are flying in from across the country and are not local passengers. We have a lot of repeat passengers from previous years, along with many new folks who have heard about our excursions.

Most have chosen the roundtrip and one-way options out of Los Angeles, and as a result I have a lopsided load northbound. Therefore, we are offering a fantastic offer where you can ride out of Reno on Monday, August 8 into Emeryville, with one night hotel included in Reno. Fares for this option is $279 per person for double occupancy, $299 for single occupancy. There are only 10 spaces available for this option. I expect to have about 55 passengers between Reno and Emeryville over Donner Pass spread out between the two dome cars. There will be plenty of room to stretch.

We are also offering a three leg trip where you depart from Los Angeles to Emeryville, overnight, then to Reno, three nights in Reno, and then to Emeryville.

We currently have four round trip spaces available, and eight one way sections available as well. We still have four months to go and I expect these to sell out. Keep in mind that when I say we have limited space, this is because unlike other private car operators, I am not overselling our train. I am leaving 40% of the seats unsold to allow plenty of room to stretch out and move around. I don't want to cram people aboard our train to hike up the revenue return as it makes for a miserable experience. I am also seeing a lot of couples committing to this excursion. Past excursions the breakdown was 75% singles, 25% couples. This one is about 50/50.

One final note, for those that have booked, I plan on sending out the formal confirmations this weekend. The complexity of the optional excursions have taken more time than expected to process.

For more information about the excursion or to reserve your spot visit: http://www.trainorders.com/trip/

Todd Clark
Canyon Country, CA

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