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European Railroad Discussion > ÖBB's New Nightjet trains

Date: 10/21/23 00:09
ÖBB's New Nightjet trains
Author: 86235

A guide from Mark Smith (Man at seat 61) to the new Siemens built Nightjet trains which enter service next month.


Date: 11/18/23 16:21
Re: ÖBB's New Nightjet trains
Author: MEKoch

Interesting new cars.  Being a big claustrophobic, I don't think the smallest accomodation is for me, but young people will likely use it easily.  

Date: 11/18/23 18:49
Re: ÖBB's New Nightjet trains
Author: SOO6617

At least you have a degree of privacy compared to the older cars which you where you just had a curtain.

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