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European Railroad Discussion > Bombardier E464 FS Trenitalia Roster shots

Date: 10/01/24 12:08
Bombardier E464 FS Trenitalia Roster shots
Author: erielackawanna

A couple rosters (for those who roster) from Venice Italy. Two FS Trenitalia E464s, one in the old colors and one (sadly tagged) in the new scheme. September 14, 2024, Venice Italy.

When these things drop a pan, it makes quite a racket. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to video the op... as soon as you hear it, it's too late to get the phone out of your pocket.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/24 13:21 by erielackawanna.

Date: 10/01/24 17:14
Re: Bombardier E464 FS Trenitalia Roster shots
Author: dwatry

Yeah the 464s are in wide usage around Milan on the suburban trains and are very heavily graffitied there.

Date: 10/02/24 08:48
Re: Bombardier E464 FS Trenitalia Roster shots
Author: SvenMolson

Decent looking units.

Ha det bra,

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