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European Railroad Discussion > Railroad Coal Smoke as a Holiday Scent

Date: 11/15/24 16:39
Railroad Coal Smoke as a Holiday Scent
Author: zars

Ever since I was stationed in Germany in the US Army; I have collected and enjoyed all things about Christmas as it is celebrated in Germany.  I especially enjoy the folk art of incense smokers and the many flavors of incense cones they consume.  It has been a part of the Christmas decorations for me since then, and I look forward to it every year.

Earlier this week, I went online to a domestic vendor of German Christmas items out of Chambersburg, PA to purchase this year's supply of incense for my smoker.  Imagine my surprise to find this variety of incense on sale: 

I could not resist and ordered some.  It was delivered today, much sooner than I expected.  The illustration on the back of the box shows a shovel in a coal pile, as it would look in a tender. 

It does smell like the coal smoke I am the most familar with, that of NKP 765.  If you enjoy that smell, this is the stuff to get.  Never thought it would be a smell of Christmas this year.

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