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European Railroad Discussion > Irish Rail Restoring Limerick City to Foynes Freight Line

Date: 12/13/24 20:53
Irish Rail Restoring Limerick City to Foynes Freight Line
Author: kevink

Interesting news from Ireland:


On a trip in 1998, I found a string of molasses tank wagons parked in Foynes. See:


On my last trip in 2015, it was clear the line had been out of service for several years. It’s interesting that the government is taking measures to reopen the line.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 12/14/24 06:39
Re: Irish Rail Restoring Limerick City to Foynes Freight Line
Author: 86235

The difficult question that no one seems able to answer is, why?
There's plenty of high minded talk about encouraging freight, but with what?
IE has very few freight flows at the moment so the wagon pool is relatively small, intermodal flats for the two container flows (Dublin to Ballina & Waterford to Ballina) and timber wagons (Westport to Waterford).
And that's it.
So what is going to be shipped too or from Foynes and on what?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/24 06:40 by 86235.

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