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European Railroad Discussion > Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)

Date: 01/31/25 13:09
Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

I spent approximately one hour at Brenner/Brennero in mid-September 2024 in the early afternoon. I was on the Italian side of the border and south of the truck-on-flatcar shuttle terminal operated by ÖBB north to near Innsbruck so did not photograph any of those trains. There was a railfan sighted at Sankt Jodok where the big horseshoe curve is. With limited time and train service I could not work that in. Every freight that I saw was southbound with the exception of a northbound staged in the yard.

1. The first freight was this trailer train behind a 193-class Vectron of TXLogistik Mercitalia Group with German registration, D-ATLU. The second unit is another 193-class Vectron from lessor Railpool with German registration D-Rpool. Unlike many trailer trains, this one has a variety of trailers. The third one is Amazon.

2. A roster shot of the TXLogistik engine as that train departed.

3. A roster shot of the Railpool unit with a considerably simpler paint scheme.

Date: 01/31/25 13:23
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

The second train was on the opposite side of the station with a string of mostly coil steel cars. Not sure what is in the first long car, perhaps I-beams or other metal products. I expect the paint scheme to be controversial but I like it. Certainly unique.

4. A Siemens EuroSprinter 189-class of lessor Lokomotion with German registration D-LM but with a Rail Traction Company designation on the nose in Italy (I-RTC) departs past the large railway office building.

5. Another view with the location signs in view.

6. A roster shot of the unit with its most unusual paint scheme.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 14:15 by NMlurker.

Date: 01/31/25 13:38
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

The next train was another trailer train that rolled in for a crew change. I had never seen the beige version of the Lokomotion scheme.

7. In this view there are six locomotives of only two models (Vectron and EuroSprinter) in five paint schemes with no Austrian or actual Italian unit in sight. The two units at the left will be swapped onto a later arrival.

8. A trailer train of Paneuropa and Terratrans trailers is close to departure behind two Lokomotion units, one Vectron and one EuroSprinter, both with German registration D-LM. Another freight with enclosed autoracks has arrived to the left that will swap locomotives.

9. A roster shot of the Lokomotion 193-class Vectron, lucky number 777, with German registration D-LM. Sorry, but I really like it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 14:17 by NMlurker.

Date: 01/31/25 13:47
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

10. The power from the autorack train has detached to park out of the way. The lead locomotive is a Rail Traction Company (RTC) 189-class EuroSprinter in a red version of the Lokomotion scheme. The second unit is a rare non-lessor, an actual Deutsche Bahn (DB) 193-class Vectron.

11. A roster shot of the RTC 189-class EuroSprinter unit with German registration D-RTC and I-RTC on the nose.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 14:18 by NMlurker.

Date: 01/31/25 13:56
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

12. These two units were parked on a stub track and would be put on the autorack train.

13. A roster shot of the Lokomotion 193-class Vectron. No idea about the zebra which I expect are rare in both Austria and Italy.

14. A roster shot of the lessor Beacon 189-class EuroSprinter with the outdated registration of D-DISPO for the former Siemens leasing subsidiary Dispolok, since sold to Mitsui Rail Capital Europe (MRCE). Not sure what the IT-NC designation means.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 14:20 by NMlurker.

Date: 01/31/25 14:13
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: NMlurker

Finally, there was the passage of two light Italian (Mercitalia) freight locomotives while I was there. The first was new and pristine that came from the north end of the yard but I was on the other side of the station and that unit basically disappeared. A little later is the one I got pictures of.

15. A somewhat graffitied Mercitalia Bombardier 494-class TRAXX arrives from the south. Note the string of locomotives in the background, the first two of which are Mercitalia E412-class, said to be acquired primarily for use on the Brenner line.

16. The Mercitalia Bombardier TRAXX passes what I imagine might have been locomotive shops.

Date: 01/31/25 14:44
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: SOO6617

NMlurker Wrote:
> Not sure what the IT-NC designation means.

IT-NC is the Vehicle Keeper mark for
DB Cargo Italia S.r.l 

Also Lokomotion is a JV between Kombiverkehr,
the big German IMC, and Rail Traction Co. They
are not a leasing company.

Date: 01/31/25 15:07
Re: Friday Freight Follies: Atop Brenner Pass (Austria/Italy)
Author: SOO6617

NMlurker Wrote:
> 15. A somewhat graffitied Mercitalia Bombardier
> 494-class TRAXX arrives from the south. Note the
> string of locomotives in the background, the first
> two of which are Mercitalia E412-class, said to be
> acquired primarily for use on the Brenner line.

The E412 locomotives are Multisystem built by ADtranz
for international trains from Italy to France or Austria.
They are designed for 1.5kV or 3kV DC and 15kV 16.7 AC
They initially saw some service to France, but since the
development of more modern multisystem locomotives
have been restricted to running to Brennero or Tarvisio
in Italy.

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