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Railroaders' Nostalgia > Grabbing the brake valve

Date: 05/28/24 10:29
Grabbing the brake valve
Author: train1275

How many engineers out there were sitting in the cab and suddenly sensed motion, and reached for the brake valves in a panic only to realize it was the cut of cars next to you actually moving ?

Date: 05/28/24 10:40
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: engineerinvirginia

Haven't plugged one yet...but sure got a near heart attack a couple times. At least!

Date: 05/28/24 12:33
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: CPCoyote

Oh yes. I think most every engineer has experienced that sensation.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/28/24 15:17
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: Notch7

I never did it.  Maybe because I was old time - window open and starring at the ground when stopped. Add starring at the air gauges, and also because the oldheads told me not to be fooled.  However, I had two engineer trainees / future road foremen that succumbed to the illusion and shot 'em.  Today, both remain great guys and good engineers however.

Date: 05/28/24 15:54
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: RetiredHogger

Never plugged 'em, but I had movement next door get my attention.

Date: 05/28/24 19:39
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: 3rdswitch

Many times. The strangest was sitting at a signal on a steep descent with that strange sensation that your train creeps once in a while, and really does!

Date: 05/28/24 20:39
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: Drknow

Notch7 Wrote:
> I never did it.  Maybe because I was old time -
> window open and starring at the ground when
> stopped. Add starring at the air gauges, and also
> because the oldheads told me not to be fooled. 
> However, I had two engineer trainees / future road
> foremen that succumbed to the illusion and shot
> 'em.  Today, both remain great guys and good
> engineers however.

Something the young people fireing don’t get. I’ve got my window open 95% of the time, and like you. But, exercising the Napping Policy while on spot in the yard I’ve woken to cars moving; never plugged them but had the BeJesus scared out of me for about 3 seconds.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 05/28/24 22:05
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: SanJoaquinEngr

Oh yes especially like JB said on a steep grade either headed uphill or downhill. Never made a 90 or 110 lb set but went to full service a few times.

Posted from Android

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/30/24 17:51 by SanJoaquinEngr.

Date: 05/29/24 15:36
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: CDTX

Yes, more than once!


Date: 06/02/24 07:05
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: CimaScrambler

I've sensed that while I was a passenger on commuter trains a few times.  Tho the strangest has been when you pull into a parking space with your car and stop only to have the car next to you immediately start pulling out, making you think you haven't really stopped.

Kit Courter
Canyon Lake, CA
LunarLight Photography

Date: 06/07/24 16:18
Re: Grabbing the brake valve
Author: tomstp

Have had a similiar  feeling when a T&P passenger engineer would take off so smooth I thought cars next to us were rolling, not us.  But it was US.

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