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Eastern Railroad Discussion > A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley NY

Date: 09/07/08 17:11
A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley NY
Author: dwi189

The day after a quick moving tropical storm rolls through the Northeast often features clear deep blue skies and beautiful weather. Today fit the bill exactly. After Tropical Storm Hanna raced through the area on Saturday, dumping a quick two to four inches of rain on the Hudson Valley in NY, today dawned with deep blue skies, low humidity, and a refreshing breeze. The weather could not have been any nicer when this Q118 rolled South through Iona Island NY around Midday today....Dave Williams

Date: 09/07/08 17:22
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: TopcoatSmith

Pretty ... in a word.

TCS - and that's just nice

Date: 09/07/08 17:23
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

Today was a bit of a relaxed itinerary as I had no mountaintop hikes planned....saving that for later in the week...So I started out the day at Garrison on the East Shore,arriving there around 9AM where after sitting for two hours watching Amtrak and Metro-North roll through town, I finally saw a train on the West Shore around 11AM....A Southbound Q254 rolls down the Riverline after exiting the West Point Tunnel....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 17:31
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

The Q254 continues its trek down the West Shore....and crosses an iron truss bridge....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 17:42
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

Earlier on, I watched as a couple who had spent the night anchored in their sailboat near the marina, packed their overnight bags into a dinghy and came back ashore where they put their bags into their station wagon, and drove off.....Afterwards, their sailboat provides a photoprop for the Southbound Q254.....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 18:03
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

After I shot the Q254, I drove back down Rte 9D and crossed back over to the West Shore...I parked at the trailhead along Rte 9W and hiked out the bike trail and out to the South ledges...The sun had not quite swung far enough to the afternoon angle when this Northbound Q438 rolled through with 5 units on the point....The tide was very low at the time, as evidenced by the mud visible in the marshlands....A short time later, a Nortbound empty trash train rolls through...with a former Conrail C40-8 in consist...Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 18:14
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

The trash train was a shorty today....and a Q418 rolls North after stopping to pick up a trainmaster in Tomkins Cove....as the tide was coming back into the marshland area....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 18:30
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

After the Q418 cleared, I hiked back up the trail to the car and drove over to the parking area at the Fort Montgomery Battlefield site. I then hiked down across the Popolopen Creek footbridge and on over to a vantagepoint at riverlevel nearly beneath the Bear Mountain Bridge....A Southbound Amtrak races down the Hudson Line....And zooming up toward the overlook atop Anthony's Nose...a group of hikers relax and enjoy the afternoon view from the location that I normally shoot from in early mornings....And pulling back on the zoom, the hikers seem to 'disappear' as the scale of the overlook compared to the overall size of the mountain is seen.....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 18:41
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

A New Haven liveried P32 leads a Northbound Metro-North train up the Hudson Line...and a tug tows a barge downriver....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 18:56
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

It was slow on the Riverline today...I'm sitting at home now hearing trains calling signals over the scanner, but between 9AM and 6PM today, I only caught 6 trains.....Before knocking off for the day, I drove up to the Bear Mountain Railroad overlook hoping to catch something on the River Sub, and had to settle on shooting Hudson Line action instead.....As tall as Anthony's Nose Mountain appears to be, Bear Mountain is taller....One can actually look down on Anthony's Nose from Bear Mountain...a wide shot of this section of the Hudson Valley....and a Northbound Metro-North train approaches Manitou...and a P32 shoves a Southbound toward Peekskill....Dave W.

Date: 09/07/08 19:04
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

And finally...a Northbound Amtrak races past a Hudson River sightseeing boat...and is seen as it approaches Manitou....Dave Williams

Date: 09/08/08 10:33
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dlpearce74

Not cool or refreshing post-Hannah here in N.C.

We have heat and humidity you could might have a slim chance of cutting with a industrial chainsaw (a knife just wouldn't do it).

Very nice picture!

Date: 09/08/08 10:37
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: RRmemories

Dave....postcard quality for sure especially the first photo. I have always wondered how photos become postcards? Aaron 20

Date: 09/08/08 12:37
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

dlpearce74 Wrote:
> Not cool or refreshing post-Hannah here in N.C.
> We have heat and humidity you could might have a
> slim chance of cutting with a industrial chainsaw
> (a knife just wouldn't do it).
> Very nice picture!

Thanks for the feedback on the pics...yes, for some reason it works differently up here after a tropical storm....Before the storm arrived Saturday afternoon, it was overcast and very humid....as the storm was winding down, you could feel the difference as temperatures fell and the mugginess went away....Dave W.

Date: 09/08/08 15:36
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: nycman

Dave, Topcoat hit it right on with a one word comment on that first one. You just keep setting the hook deeper and deeper for me, wanting to return to the Bear Mountain Bridge and the Hudson Valley. Now, if a steam excursion were to run up there, I'd be there, somehow.

Date: 09/08/08 15:42
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

nycman Wrote:
> Dave, Topcoat hit it right on with a one word
> comment on that first one. You just keep setting
> the hook deeper and deeper for me, wanting to
> return to the Bear Mountain Bridge and the Hudson
> Valley. Now, if a steam excursion were to run up
> there, I'd be there, somehow.

Thanks....a railfan friend of mine will be coming down to the area later this week....I plan on spending some quality time trackside when he is in so we can hit all the good spots around Iona....Dave W.

Date: 09/08/08 16:07
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: csxt6000

dwi189 Wrote:
> The day after a quick moving tropical storm rolls
> through the Northeast often features clear deep
> blue skies and beautiful weather. Today fit the
> bill exactly. After Tropical Storm Hanna raced
> through the area on Saturday, dumping a quick two
> to four inches of rain on the Hudson Valley in NY,
> today dawned with deep blue skies, low humidity,
> and a refreshing breeze. The weather could not
> have been any nicer when this Q118 rolled South
> through Iona Island NY around Midday today....Dave
> Williams

Beautiful shot

Date: 09/08/08 16:11
Re: A picture postcard kind of day in the Hudson Valley
Author: dwi189

csxt6000 Wrote:
> dwi189 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The day after a quick moving tropical storm
> rolls
> > through the Northeast often features clear deep
> > blue skies and beautiful weather. Today fit the
> > bill exactly. After Tropical Storm Hanna raced
> > through the area on Saturday, dumping a quick
> two
> > to four inches of rain on the Hudson Valley in
> NY,
> > today dawned with deep blue skies, low
> humidity,
> > and a refreshing breeze. The weather could not
> > have been any nicer when this Q118 rolled South
> > through Iona Island NY around Midday
> today....Dave
> > Williams
> Beautiful shot

Thanks....what the day lacked in quantity of trains...it made up for with quality as far as outstanding weather for photographing the trains that did run....Dave W.

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