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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Help..What is it ?????

Date: 09/24/09 17:07
Help..What is it ?????
Author: executivee4020

Photographing CP train #252 at the Saratoga Springs,NY station I came acroos this..It is located where the occasionally used siding from in front of the station joins the new interlocking at the south end of the station trackage..

Some kind of mini-dwarf signal ???? The freight was on the main line so I didn't see any light or indication from this.

Appreciate anyone's input, thanks.

Date: 09/24/09 17:12
Re: Help..What is it ?????
Author: CShaveRR

Not sure from the angle here whether this thing is in the proper position to be a signal or not, but there are signal systems that use a single lens to display any colors necessary, using fiber optics to route the colored lights from inside the box to a focusing lens. Using an array of LEDs seems to be more efficient; I hadn't seen the other type except in trade-magazine ads.

Date: 09/24/09 17:17
Re: Help..What is it ?????
Author: UP_Tops

Probably either a signal or switch point indicator.

Date: 09/24/09 17:34
Re: Help..What is it ?????
Author: CGTower

It's known as a Safetran Uni-Lens signal. It was created to compete with the searchlight signal, however, the Unilens has no moving parts.

See: http://www.safetran.com/signal_equipment.asp

Click on the PDF for the Uni-Lens to see the specifications.

CG Tower

Date: 09/24/09 20:29
Re: Help..What is it ?????
Author: tq-07fan

I first saw these on the Conrail Mon Line in the yard at West Brownsville Pennsylvania (but north of the streetrunning) in October 1995 while deadheading on a Sperry car at night. It had just been installed IIRC. The red was the lamp closest to the lens. The signal may have been revised since then but at that time it did not put out a very bright indication. It would make a great Disco light if properly wired and synchronized.


Date: 09/24/09 20:32
Re: Help..What is it ?????
Author: 2720

It is the NEW Anti Railfan Surveillance System disguised as a modern dwarf signal, equipped with a fish eye lens to provide a panoramic view of the ROW!!
executivee4020 Wrote:
> Photographing CP train #252 at the Saratoga
> Springs,NY station I came acroos this..It is
> located where the occasionally used siding from in
> front of the station joins the new interlocking at
> the south end of the station trackage..
> Some kind of mini-dwarf signal ???? The freight
> was on the main line so I didn't see any light or
> indication from this.
> Appreciate anyone's input, thanks.

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