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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Playin' with snow !

Date: 01/04/02 04:44
Playin' with snow !
Author: mp208

A bit of a stretch.....but what the heck, everything is virtual reality today.

Date: 01/04/02 06:04
RE: Playin' with snow !
Author: BentnoseWillie

Yeah, yeah, yeah...6 inches and it's a disaster. One word: BUFFALO.

CNN carried a report from North Carolina yesterday explaining what setting to use on a car heater to blow hot air onto the windshield. I don't know what's worse - that they ran this advice, or that people needed it. I suppose they don't know what the stripes on their rear window are for, either.

Oh well, I suppose I wouldn't be able to cope with kudzu if it sprouted in my yard :^)

Walking in a winter wonderland, I remain:

Date: 01/04/02 06:14
RE: Playin' with snow !
Author: BobE

After 23 years in the States, I'm still Canadian enough to have considered ordering a block heater in my new truck even though I live far enough south that it would never be necessary. Must be woven into the DNA...right next to the polar bear and hockey player genes. (Our southern friends are now wondering what the hell a block heater is and/or how one works. Tee-hee.)


Date: 01/04/02 08:05
RE: Playin' with snow !
Author: ge13031

Who knows .. it may seriously deplete the fireant population!

Date: 01/04/02 12:46
RE: Playin' with snow !
Author: saludamtn

Most of North Carolina got clobbered. There's 13 inches in Rocky Mount and 12 in Raleigh. No word from Hamlet yet. CSX has a level two weather alert out for the entire Florence-Richmond line and the secondaries to Portsmouth, Kinston and the Monroe-Wilmington line.
And as for the cornball humor, at least we've got sense enough to stay home. The ones causing the accidents on I-40 are the brilliant Yankees who tell us how to drive.

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