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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Seminole Gulf info needed

Date: 10/28/24 08:29
Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: JayK

I'm hoping to photograph the Seminole Gulf on a spring railfan trip to Florida. I understand the road train basically runs Monday through Friday - south one day and north the next. Where are their start and end terminals and is there a consistent call time? Any additional information re: chasing would be appreciated.

Thanks,  Jim Kleeman

Date: 10/28/24 13:38
Re: Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: Fireman424

Jim, there is a railfans of the seminole gulf Facebook group that is pretty good on times. I have found they leave Arcadia for the southbound run between 730 and 10 depending on how much switching needs to be done. The northbound comes out of Ft.Myers when I chased it one day crossed the caloosahatchee bridge at 945 and another it crossed at 11am. It all depends on the work they need to do.
Hope this helps,
Randy Allard

Posted from Android

Date: 10/28/24 15:01
Re: Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: JayK

Thanks, Randy. I'll check it out.


Date: 10/28/24 17:20
Re: Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: farmer

Everything must be back to normal
From the hurricane destruction.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 10/28/24 19:51
Re: Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: Gonut1

I was thinking the same, The last post I saw their bridges were still being repaired at their cost, no government grants or other help.
Interesting to hear if they are in fact back to normal.

Date: 10/28/24 22:09
Re: Seminole Gulf info needed
Author: CPR_4000

The entire line has been back in service for a few months now, and the dinner train is running again. Haven't heard of any major damage from the last two hurricanes.

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