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Eastern Railroad Discussion > The dismantling of a photographic landmark

Date: 11/15/24 17:02
The dismantling of a photographic landmark
Author: srman

We all have used local landmarks to be in are images when shooting trains. Long before I ever considered taking railroad photos this water tower stood tall on the building at the junction of Kentucky St. and the railroad in Louisville Kentucky. It hadn't been used in years however today I learned that it was being dismantled. I'm not aware of what they plan to do with the property. Over the past several years I have often included it in my photos. Today although I didn't catch a train going by it I had to get a couple of shots of it before it was history. Then from December 2019 as southbound CSX Q231 rolls by.

Date: 11/16/24 01:14
Re: The dismantling of a photographic landmark
Author: refarkas

Photo three is a first-class view.

Date: 11/16/24 07:46
Re: The dismantling of a photographic landmark
Author: train544

Very nice catch of the classy tower being taken down too bad
Tom Boylan

Date: 11/16/24 09:50
Re: The dismantling of a photographic landmark
Author: PCRC

Hope Worsted Mills. It currently houses artisan work and gallery spaces.

That addition along the tracks was shipping, with textile machinery on the upper level. My guess is they are building out the addition floor space internally, and need the roof space for mechanicals.

Date: 11/16/24 10:51
Re: The dismantling of a photographic landmark
Author: justalurker66

It looks like the water tower needed to be brought down before it fell down.

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